Services - Clear Path Acupuncture


Health and Balance Restorative Treatments Tailored to Individual Root Causes

What We Offer


(Nambudripad’s allergy elimination technique) is a natural non-invasive method by which the bodies nervous system and energy pathways are reprogrammed to no longer react to substances the body deems a threat like allergies. It is safe and effective and was developed by Dr. Devi Namburipad who discovered it in an effort to treat her own severe food reactions. Dr. Baum trained with Dr. Nambudripad back in the late nineties and was certified through the advanced training level. Dr. Baum’s work has evolved to incorporate related techniques like BioSET as well but his many years practicing NAET have given him excellent results with his patients. Working with this technique Dr. Baum has found both NAET and BioSET to be highly effective at not only eliminating allergies (both food and environmental) but also many other health concerns including; digestive problems, pain syndromes, hormonal imbalances, migraines, eczema, just to name a few.

Both NAET and BioSET are allergy elimination techniques. Both techniques help to identify allergens, intolerance and imbalances by receiving feedback from your body’s own nervous system. While NAET uses physical touch in the form of muscle testing, BioSET utilizes a machine to give feedback on what your body is responding to. Both techniques are offered at Clear Path Acupuncture. Give us a call to inquiry about how we can help!


BioSET was originally created by Dr. Ellen Cutler and shares similarities to NAET in how it works and the conditions it treats effectively. Dr. Baum trained with Dr. Cutler in the early two thousands when she was teaching the technique herself. Dr. Cutler has since left BioSET to form ECM (Ellen Cutler Method) and BioSET has changed to Theramedixbioset. Dr. Baum currently combines his many years of experience with both NAET and BioSET to bring the most effective treatment methods to his practice. Dr. Baum is always learning and evolving to bring the best results to his patients. Thus, he brings the strengths of both methods together without losing the essence of either one. While either NAET or BioSET can be performed using applied kinesiology, (muscle testing) Dr. Baum uses an advanced form of computerized electronic testing called the IQS system. This gentle electrical testing is not painful and is non-invasive. Providing both sound and visual feedback onto a computer screen Russell can measure imbalances throughout the bodies many systems. This is ultimately more accurate and more efficient than muscle testing alone. Once the testing is complete the BioSET treatment is administered using either Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy, gentle spinal stimulation or Acupressure if the patient is fearful of needles or is a child. The patient then lies on the table for a time in complete relaxation. At the end of a treatment session Dr. Baum re-tests the body for treatment effectiveness and if the re-programming is successful the session is complete in about 45 minutes. Children from about age 4 and up can be treated successfully with BioSet/NAET.


Acupuncture and oriental medicine encompass many techniques including cupping, tua na (Chinese massage), moxibustion, (herbal heat treatment), herbal remedies and more. Dr. Baum has many years of experience using traditional Chinese medical techniques and can work completely non-invasively on other treatment modalities when called for. Chinese medicine and its many centuries of wisdom and treatment effectiveness are still very much a part of NAET/BioSET as are elements of chiropractic, homeopathy, and enzyme/herbal therapy. Together these disciplines alongside modern computer electronic testing techniques are a very powerful healing combination. Dr. Baum continues to practice traditional Chinese medicine in his practice right alongside BioSET and NAET techniques.

KHT (Korean Hand Therapy)

KHT was developed in the early seventies by Dr. Tae-Woo Yoo in South Korea. It is often referred to as Korean Hand Therapy however since that is where it originated. KHT is a complete micro-meridian system mapping all the bodies acupuncture points on both hands. This system is very effective either on its own or used with other treatment modalities. Dr. Baum uses KHT often in his practice with BioSET/NAET in particular. It is also easy to teach patients the basic version to use at home with only acupressure techniques for self-care.

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy was created by Tom Bowen in the middle fifties in Australia. It is a gentle hands-on technique which moves muscles and other soft tissue to promote the bodies healing response. Dr. Baum has been certified by the Bowen academy of Australia and has been performing this treatment technique for more than 20 years. Bowen can improve chronic and acute pain and inflammation almost anywhere in the body. It can be used alone, or with other techniques as long as Bowen is performed at the end of the session. It feels a bit like massage except that it has very distinct movement patterns which are more like individual adjustments to the soft tissues. The results can sometimes feel rather miraculous.

CST (Craniosacral Therapy)

Dr. Baum studied Craniosacral therapy (CST) with the founder, Dr. John E. Upledger D.O. in the late 1980s. This makes CST the first healing modality he was certified in. Dr. Baum has helped many patients over his many decades in practice with this gentle technique. Craniosacral therapy can help conditions ranging from headaches and migraines to anxiety, insomnia, and spinal pain from neck to tailbone. CST uses very subtle monitoring and adjustments using the practitioner’s hands. Gently manipulating the small bones in the skull and spine/sacrum to release tension in the body and improve cerebrospinal fluid flow. This has a profoundly positive effect on the brain, nervous system, and whole body. Dr. Baum typically combines CST with acupuncture, but it can be a stand-alone session lasting about 45 minutes.